Here you'll find the heart of the TDC. Take a moment and get aquainted to the TDC brothers. After a year, each has developed their own special niche in the TDC, and the brotherhood wouldn't be complete without all of 'em!


Arash, the clown of TDC. The                            Victor, the TDC's straight-shooter.          
Iranian who became an American,                   He'll speak his mind and always
the American who became a TDC                     brandish a smile. Loyal to D-Hall
brother, the TDC brother who                           like no other. Also the TDC's go to
"conquered" Carrier Library. That                    guy on the blacktop, Victor is a true
hat is famous throughout JMU.                         Renaissance Man, but watch that elbow!
One word: ELLINI!


Ian, one of the TDC's founding                    Chris is the TDC enforcer.  No
fathers. Enjoys wisecracking,                      one better talk smack about TDC
dating a TDC affiliate, and trying                 when he's around, or there will be
in vain to play Radiohead songs                   trouble! His size is only surpassed
on that guitar. Forms a formidable              by his Southern Pride, and he's one
pong team when coupled with Arash,         of TDC's premier scholars.  Pound that,
his fellow Tri-Beta officer.                           uh...Pepsi, Chris!


Another Founding Father, Scottie                    MacGyver hails from Boston,
bleeds TDC gold and royal purple.                   making him the northern-most  
He's the TDC's pimp by example                     TDC brother, and making us all
and self-proclaimed drinking king.                  "Retahhhded!" Likes Ronald Regan,
Humility is not his middle name,                      the NRA, and D-hall breakfasts.
but "Natty Light" might be! By the                  Dislikes minorities, mullets, and
way, nice form on the shot.                              staying up past midnight.


Let the good times roll when the                   Know to some as Todd, the TDC
Big Dawg is in the house! Greg knows          knows this lady-killer as Tude, as
how to party, write HTML like a mofo,          in "attitude"...BAD attitude! Don't
and stack cans of Beast. He's from               cross this guy.  Just like the TDC,
Dirty Jersey, so he's no stranger                  he doesn't put up with ANY shit.
to the hard-knock lifestyle of the                  Look for him tearing it up in Stone-
TDC.  And no, he didn't jump on the              gate this year- and don't say we
Duke bandwagon.                                          didn't warn ya.


Two words- American Badass!                   Mr. RA Man, Brandon, tried to instill some
Josh is the rebel without a cause               sense of discipline in the TDC's freshman
of the TDC.  His pranks are                         year.  Obviously, he was unsuccessful, 
legendary, just ask Big Show.                    as shown here cleaning up WaterWar 2000.
Another Virginia native, he digs                  However, he did get us off the hook for
country music and "Smokey                        that, proving his loyalty to the TDC.
and the Bandit." Good times,                      He also introduced TDC to D-hall's fried 
good times!                                                  chicken.  Mmm! Friiiied chicken!


Well it's the BIG SHOW! Big Show,                 "Ah...what's up...EVERYBDY!"   
aka Dan Frazzle, deserves a hearty               Lester really is a good kid, but
handshake for putting up with all                   could be described as the Dr.
the crap TDC dished out his direction            Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of TDC.  He's
freshman year. But what doesn't                   humorous and good-natured, but
kill you makes you stronger, so he                 has one hell of a temper, just ask
came out a better man.  At 5'4'', he               Chris and the Quad's solid wood 
may be the shortest TDC brother, but            door. A young Iron Mike? Hmm...
he IS the best clarinet player.                        Look for him in Fredrickson this year
                                                                         as a vile RA.

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