Back in the fall of 2000, over a dozen gentlemen and ladies from all over the country converged on the rural campus of James Madison University within the confines of the now-famous Dingledine Hall. Shortly thereafter, the TDC was born. Gentlemen from the first floor of Dingledine's C-Section banded together to create one the most talked about groups on campus today. These gentlemen were kind enough to take ladies from the third floor into their union, and TDC grew.
Oh, the countless actions and hijinx perpetuated by the TDC could fill the entire internet, so this rundown will be brief. If you really want a history of the TDC, ask one of us when you see us strolling through campus, dining at the D, or conversing with a fellow TDC brother.
Selected memories...
-Rolling at least 6 deep to the D every weeknight
-Rolling SIXTEEN DEEP to Outback
-Duckwalk 2000: D-hall to ISAT
-WaterWar 2000: The TDC gents stick it to the ladies in a waterfight that covered C-section in two inches of H2O
-One killer Super Bowl Sunday
-Countless pranks on Big Show's side of the room
-Pong in 102, and that one-of-a-kind table
-Giving back to the community: Relay For Life!
-Watching Arash bust a move
-Watching Lester Webster Brown III bust down the Quad's door
-The "Condom Incident" in Dingledine's courtyard
-Boot Camp in 101...Yaney, we'll never forget you