- Check this page out for the latest
pictures of the TDC in action sophomore year. If you have some
you want up, send 'em in.
- It's good to see some things never change. Lester and beer are like oil and water, they don't mix!
- Hmm...this seems familiar. Mac is blazin' like a champ!
- After smokin', someone had a case of the munchies BIG TIME!
- Don't worry, that's just schnigg smoke...nothing more.
- Believe it or not, this was taken at 9PM.
- TDC Smokers' Club. It's back, baby!
- Greg (mysteriously taller here) and Ian strike a pose.
- "So how funny would it be if we went to Fairfax tonight to surprise Ellini??"
- At 9:48, the TDC decides to set sail for Fairfax along with doo-rags and affiliates.
- After trying to prove we knew Ellini for five minutes to his dad (who stayed safe behind
- his door), we left and decided to show our alligience to Iran and his car.
- TDC does NOT condone open containers in moving vehicles.
- However, it does make for a funny picture!
- Guess the TDC member in the picture? He's the dark-haired one.
- Hint- "Duuuuuude!"
- Ellini is so ecstatic, just look at him!
- Uh, he IS happy to see us, right??
- Chris was one hell of a driver carting everyone around
- in his pLYMOuth until 5AM.
- Does this mean we can't smoke?!?!
- This picture really doesn't need a wiseass caption.
- Ellini takes Georgie under his wing for some killer
- hooka-smoking tips. Man, what a pro he is.
- Man, Ellini made is look so easy!
- Don't worry, it takes practice.
- In the "Raging Bull" remake, I think they should cast Chris as DeNiro.
- This was his reaction when he found out he had to drive back that same night.
- Ladies and hooka....it doesn't get much better than
- that for a TDC brother!
- Ian exhales some orange hooka. Speaking of orange,
- what the hell is up with that doo-rag?
- TJ hits that hooka like a champ. She can even inhale it through her nose!
- Ellini had a good time during his short ride with the ladies.
- Ellini had a REAL good time during his short ride with the ladies.
- Someone get that boy a box of kleenex.
- Georgie was SO wasted. She slept through the WHOLE trip.
- Back at JMU? 5:11 EST according to the pLYMOuth clock.
- Let's take time-out a moment and listen as Ian
- and Chris play an acoustic number.
- The first game is in the books! And the winners?
- 224 boys Ian and Ellini! They won by FOUR CUPS.
- Just like the old days...Greg and Mac embrace for
- the camera after sinking a shot.
- Chris and Ellini do what they do best--
- Tag the beer pong table! Hmm...room seems to be running out...
- TDC says "hello" to affiliate wannabes Kristin and Caitlyn by
- kicking their asses in pong. Better luck next time, ladies.
- Yes, that IS "the" Beer Pong Table from the Ding.
- You wouldn't believe what Ellini and Ian had to go through to get it back.
- America's Finest! Private MacGyver is ready to ship off.
- He must command some respect to get his name sewn on already like that.
- Another great shot of TDC's finest.
- Man, it was good to have O-Dawg back for a night!
- Lester hams it up for the camera. Man, he
- looks terrified of Ellini and/or that wine cooler!
- TDC hopes to see more of RA Lester's antics as the year progresses.
- What a great group of guys! These guys
- make America proud, and they are proud to be American!
- But who invited Lester? (Haha)
- This picture needs no explanation if you know
- MacGyver's favorite recreational activity.
- TDC Founding Fathers Ian and Scott team up
- for a night of pong. This picture was taken BEFORE
- They played SIX STRAIGHT games.
- Aw, what a cute couple! Greg and
- Kelly strike a pose for the camera.
- Another cute TDC couple.
- Ian and Kris strike a patriotic pose.
- Victor is all smiles as OD makes his return.
- Is that a hard lemondade in his hand?
- Duuude! Dr. Chris makes a house call- to himself!
- Forearm cast: $150.00 (But covered by HMO)
- Leatherman tool: $25.00
- Putting the two together with an angry Virginian: Priceless.
- Chris and Arash team up
for a game of pong. Chris is
- exhibiting great wrist
rotation on his shot and is sporting
- his lucky beer pong shirt.
Of course Arash will finish that cup
- before HE shoots.
- The American Badass and
MacGyver scope out the
- opposition. Josh took his
time and dressed up for the
- evening, while Mac chose
the less-showy tshirt and sweat
- pants. Yes, TDC DID play
10-cup for a couple games.
- Some college students
like to play beer pong. Some
- college students like
to play "Duck Hunt." It's good to
- see MacGyver staying in
touch with the Old School,
- although Arash did a much
better job, making it as far as
- round 14. Keep practicing,
- Guess which one is the
bio major? Trick question...
- they both are! Ellini and
Kinch try to thug it out in
- Wayland 224. That 'W"
Ellini is making isn't West
- Side, it's Wayland! Music
culture also collides as
- Radiohead meets Tupac.
Sweet doo-rag!
- Wayland 222...word to big
bird! Hmm...judging by the
- "Massachusetts"
on the sign, I'd say TDC Bostonian
- MacGyver jacked that sucker.
Nice work, Mac. TDC WILL
- make smoking history this
year when the TDCSC rolls
- back to the Ding for another
night of fine cigars.
- Wow, Chris is REALLY glad
to be back in the 'Burg! With
- friends like the TDC, who
could blame him? This picture
- also marks a TDC milestone...
MacGyver does NOT look
- blazed out of his mind.
- Ok, not really related
to TDC directly, but I had to put this up. It IS for real, visit
site. That funny looking Persian man below? DJ ARASH!