Check this page out for the latest pictures of the TDC in action sophomore year. If you have some you want up, send 'em in.

It's good to see some things never change. Lester and beer are like oil and water, they don't mix!

Hmm...this seems familiar. Mac is blazin' like a champ!

After smokin', someone had a case of the munchies BIG TIME!

Don't worry, that's just schnigg smoke...nothing more.

Believe it or not, this was taken at 9PM.

TDC Smokers' Club. It's back, baby!

Greg (mysteriously taller here) and Ian strike a pose.

"So how funny would it be if we went to Fairfax tonight to surprise Ellini??"

At 9:48, the TDC decides to set sail for Fairfax along with doo-rags and affiliates.

After trying to prove we knew Ellini for five minutes to his dad (who stayed safe behind
his door), we left and decided to show our alligience to Iran and his car.

TDC does NOT condone open containers in moving vehicles.
However, it does make for a funny picture!

Guess the TDC member in the picture? He's the dark-haired one.
Hint- "Duuuuuude!"

Ellini is so ecstatic, just look at him!
Uh, he IS happy to see us, right??

Chris was one hell of a driver carting everyone around
in his pLYMOuth until 5AM.

Does this mean we can't smoke?!?!

This picture really doesn't need a wiseass caption.

Ellini takes Georgie under his wing for some killer
hooka-smoking tips. Man, what a pro he is.

Man, Ellini made is look so easy!
Don't worry, it takes practice.

In the "Raging Bull" remake, I think they should cast Chris as DeNiro.
This was his reaction when he found out he had to drive back that same night.

Ladies and doesn't get much better than
that for a TDC brother!

Ian exhales some orange hooka. Speaking of orange,
what the hell is up with that doo-rag?

TJ hits that hooka like a champ. She can even inhale it through her nose!

Ellini had a good time during his short ride with the ladies.

Ellini had a REAL good time during his short ride with the ladies.
Someone get that boy a box of kleenex.

Georgie was SO wasted. She slept through the WHOLE trip.

Back at JMU? 5:11 EST according to the pLYMOuth clock.

Let's take time-out a moment and listen as Ian
and Chris play an acoustic number.

The first game is in the books! And the winners?
224 boys Ian and Ellini! They won by FOUR CUPS.

Just like the old days...Greg and Mac embrace for
the camera after sinking a shot.

Chris and Ellini do what they do best--
Tag the beer pong table! seems to be running out...

TDC says "hello" to affiliate wannabes Kristin and Caitlyn by
kicking their asses in pong. Better luck next time, ladies.

Yes, that IS "the" Beer Pong Table from the Ding.
You wouldn't believe what Ellini and Ian had to go through to get it back.


America's Finest! Private MacGyver is ready to ship off.
He must command some respect to get his name sewn on already like that.

Another great shot of TDC's finest.
Man, it was good to have O-Dawg back for a night!
Lester hams it up for the camera. Man, he
looks terrified of Ellini and/or that wine cooler!
TDC hopes to see more of RA Lester's antics as the year progresses.
What a great group of guys! These guys
make America proud, and they are proud to be American!
But who invited Lester? (Haha)
This picture needs no explanation if you know
MacGyver's favorite recreational activity.
TDC Founding Fathers Ian and Scott team up
for a night of pong. This picture was taken BEFORE
They played SIX STRAIGHT games.
Aw, what a cute couple! Greg and
Kelly strike a pose for the camera.
Another cute TDC couple.
Ian and Kris strike a patriotic pose.
Victor is all smiles as OD makes his return.
Is that a hard lemondade in his hand?
Duuude! Dr. Chris makes a house call- to himself!
Forearm cast: $150.00 (But covered by HMO)
Leatherman tool: $25.00
Putting the two together with an angry Virginian: Priceless.
Chris and Arash team up for a game of pong. Chris is
exhibiting great wrist rotation on his shot and is sporting
his lucky beer pong shirt. Of course Arash will finish that cup
before HE shoots.
The American Badass and MacGyver scope out the
opposition. Josh took his time and dressed up for the
evening, while Mac chose the less-showy tshirt and sweat
pants. Yes, TDC DID play 10-cup for a couple games.
Some college students like to play beer pong. Some
college students like to play "Duck Hunt." It's good to
see MacGyver staying in touch with the Old School,
although Arash did a much better job, making it as far as
round 14. Keep practicing, Mac.
Guess which one is the bio major? Trick question...
they both are! Ellini and Kinch try to thug it out in
Wayland 224. That 'W" Ellini is making isn't West
Side, it's Wayland! Music culture also collides as
Radiohead meets Tupac. Sweet doo-rag!
Wayland 222...word to big bird! Hmm...judging by the
"Massachusetts" on the sign, I'd say TDC Bostonian
MacGyver jacked that sucker. Nice work, Mac. TDC WILL
make smoking history this year when the TDCSC rolls
back to the Ding for another night of fine cigars.
Wow, Chris is REALLY glad to be back in the 'Burg! With
friends like the TDC, who could blame him? This picture
also marks a TDC milestone... MacGyver does NOT look
blazed out of his mind.
Ok, not really related to TDC directly, but I had to put this up. It IS for real, visit this site. That funny looking Persian man below? DJ ARASH!